Friday, December 18, 2009

Its going to be a glorious day. Down in weight again this morning! 1800 calories works for me to loose weight. I have to admitt that when I limit myself to 1800 calories, I rarely eat 1800 calories. Though I am sure I did last night. Went to the Ground Round with my family and had a steak, shrimp, chicken fajitas. Only ate 2/3 of a tortilla then ate the meat and veggies. I wish Groud Round posted their nutritional values. I have not idea how many calories I consumed.

I didn't exercise yesterday. I was too tired, I had a headache, I still hurt from previous workouts. In the end, I felt it was better to let my body heal. And heal it did. I do not hurt this morning! I am going to the Y to do the piyo class, a mix of pilates and yoga. I used to do pilates everyday years ago. But since Erica and moving to Grand Rapids, I just didn't have time. but Erica is almost three. No more excuses. Back to a regular exercise program and eating healthy.

I will 40 next year and need to be more cognizant of my actions. What goes in does not necessarily come out. So I will put less in to begin with and make what I put in count!

My mom and mother-in-law are both coming for the weekend today. My mom will love learning my new changes, but mom-in-law who needs to do these changes herself~well we will see. For Christmas, I purchase her a nutritional scale, a food chopper, and some healthy diabetic snacks. If she doesn't start making changes, I'm not sure I can handle being around her. I am fighting for my life to be healthier, I can't fight her fight too!

Time to head to the gym!

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