Sunday, May 16, 2010

Autism 5K

I raced my first 5K.  My Mom and my daughter, Mia, did the race with me.  It was around Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis.  What a gorgeous day for a race.  Temperatures were low 70's.  I was torn between getting my best time and walking with my Mom.  My daughter ran the race with 30:42 time.  I walked the first 2+ miles with my mom but then asked if it was okay if I went ahead.  My heart rate was only 120 while I walked with her.  I wanted a work out.  So I ran ahead for a few tenths, then walked fast keeping my heart rate about 150.  Then ran the last bit to get ahead of the person in front of me.  My time was 49:49.  I wanted to be under 1 hour.  My next goal is to break 45:00.  Guess I better sign up for another 5K if I am going to do that! 

It was a very enjoyable experience all around.  My oldest daughter, Hannah, took my youngest, Erica, to a park on the route.  As we passed the park they, too, joined us. So the whole family (minus Al) did the 5k yesterday. 

After the 5k we went to the Mall of America. I had a vegetarian crepe for lunch.  It's my favorite MOA food.  I passed all the yucky foods, Toll House cookies, etc.  We walked the first level and the girls did many rides.

For dinner I had a Turkey burger, two onion rings, and a lime malt and Snuffy's malt shop near my mom's house.  I probably should have skipped the malt but it was so very good.  Erica drank a third of it! 

Today is my brother's birthday.  We're going to BBQ this afternoon.  Mom bought a pumpkin pie for desert, but I will pass on that. 

This morning, I made pancakes for the family.  I chose to eat a healthy cereal with almond milk.  I really like cereal with almond milk.  can't seem to get enough.  Plus, I tried Kashi's Autumn Wheat.  Now I don't have to eat Mini wheats which has high fructose corn syrup.

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