Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I can't believe it's been a month since I last wrote!  Over Memorial weekend, my family and I went on a twenty mile bikeride.  I went on several shorter rides.  By Monday I could not move.  My back hurt so bad.  I went to the chiropractor Tuesday morning.  That week I did interval taining, treading and Mountain plus ran/walked 5 miles.  Visited the chiropractor twice a week for the next two weeks.  Now down to once a month again.

also was dealing with sick children and not feeling well myself.  This week we are all back to good health.  I am back to working out today.  I have been eating horribly.  And when I say horribly I mean junk food like you wouldn't believe.  I figure I'll work on exercising for the next week and the jump back into my 90/10 healthy eating plan.

Whenever I eat unhealthy foods, I start to have negative thoughts about myself and my progress.  So I need to start eating healthy  again. 

The exciting news is that even though I haven't exercised in a week and half I was able to go out and have a great workout.  The sun came out this afternoon, I told the girls they were babysitting because I was going for a run.  I walked .6 miles then decided to run.  I ran 2.2 miles in 35 minutes.  I never stopped running.  I nver took a walking break.  And I felt like my legs were rubberbands by the time i was done.  I probably could have walked faster than I was jogging at the end but I did it.  I kept my eye on heart rate.  If it got up to 160 bpm I would slow my pace down.  I was able to maintain jogging just by keeping my heart rate at a reasonable rate.  Who knew!  I didn't worry about how fast I was running.  I wanted to run 2 miles but didn't really think I could do it.  But I did do it.  And I am going to do it again! and again! and again! 

I signed up to do a duathlon in September.  a 2 mile run, 22 mile bike ending with a 2 mile run.  I knew I could do the bike ride, and I could walk the runs if I needed to do that.  But I want to run the first 2 miles, bike the 22 miles and crawl the last two if I have to!  I got nervouse when I read that I had only 2 1/2 hours to bike the 22 miles.  But then I realized that I really won't have a problem iwth that.  Though I will need to start training with pacing myself on my bike.  I now know I can run 2 miles.  Now I have to train running two miles and then hopping on a bike.  I can do this.  And I am so excited to do it.

Duathlon...my next adventure begins now!

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